Core Business Areas
Our innovative solutions spring from personnel who understand the uniquely critical requirements and demands on modern military organizations. We draw from a multi-service resource pool which includes professionals with Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, and multi-national force experience. SDS personnel are specifically chosen from specialized weapon system, management, engineering, simulation, programming, and educational backgrounds to provide our clients with unparalleled competence and commitment.
We are experienced in all aspects of requirements and acquisition planning, training, operations, test and evaluation, and risk management and safety.
The Three Pillars
Education and Training
SDS International provides military, government, and commercial customers with a full spectrum of SCORM conformant training solutions using single-source, multi-point publishing techniques riding on an XML backbone, and featuring rich-media (SVG/Flash) interactivity.
Testing and Evaluation
SDS International provides full-service test and evaluation and tactics development and evaluation technical support to military and commercial customers in three major areas; Operational Effectiveness, Suitability, and Analysis
Analytical and Technical Services
SDS International provides experienced program management, operational analysis, and technical support to our military and commercial customers. Our support ensures relevant and accurate decision-making and effective cost, schedule, and performance management.